Friday, October 21, 2011

Why are you so sweaty? I was watching Cops.

You know your the Mom of 4 boys when your life feels like a Will Ferrell movie every day!! I have come a long way since the birth of my first son. I remember thinking when the Ultrasound tech said I was having a boy, "A boy! What am I gonna do with a boy?" Everyone in my family has girls. I have a sister and a step sister. My Mom is 1 of 4 girls and they all, you guessed it, had GIRLS and My Dad's brother had 3 girls as well. Seriously, There were NO BOYS and I didn't think we were capable of making/having them in our family. Turns out it is what I am best at!! ;) (Yes I realize that Aaron is the one truly responsible.) Now that I am surrounded by them I have had time to adjust, and it was a big adjustment! I had no idea humans were capable of taking about poop, farts, penises, eating bugs, guns, bad guys, good guys and Star Wars as much as boys can!! I have become so accustom to the grossness that is boy, that I too, on occasion, have made degenerate stomach churning jokes myself. But those jokes are so worth the reward when I see the surprised and excited look on my boys faces. "Did Mom really just say that? Awesome!!" I think it has made me a better mother and a better person. I can enjoy watching some dancing with the Stars but still look forward to the football game all week!
So here's to just the right amount of gross, a pinch of inappropriate, a dash of 'I'm stronger then you' and a whole lot of love!!!

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